
Throop Law, P.C.


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It gives us great pleasure to help take away the anxiety, worry, fear and confusion you must feel when faced with the complexity of Virginia’s legal system; especially in matters of criminal and family law. We can only imagine the kinds of questions that have kept our clients up at night: 20150915_111716 (2) Will I go to jail? Lose my license? My job? My kids? Who will get the house? Who will get the kids? Who will pay the medical bills for my injuries? If I leave my spouse, will I be able to support myself? What if my child is taken away from me? Can I get my loved one out on bond? I know my spouse is cheating, but how can I prove it? If I can’t work because of my injuries, how will my bills get paid? If I am sent to jail, who will care for my kids? How can we best help my clients? That is the question that keeps us up at night. Not only will we aggressively fight for your legal rights, we will give your case the human kindness and attention it deserves. If you seek an attorney that takes his clients’ matters personally, then contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you.

Virginia Reckless Driving and DUI / DWI Attorney Police-Traffic-stopWhether a minor traffic infraction or your 3rd DUI, we will fight aggressively for you. The assistance of an attorney could be the difference between a dismissal and a conviction. So, don’t try navigating the complexities of Virginia’s court system on your own! In many traffic cases, your appearance can be waived, saving you the time and expense of appearing in court. This is especially helpful if you live far away, or taking the day off from work is too costly. DUI, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd offense Reckless Driving (in Virginia Reckless Driving is a criminal offense for which a conviction may result in a license suspension, additional fines, and a possible jail sentence. Unfortunately, this kind of conviction can rarely, if ever, be expunged.) Traffic infractions (speeding, failure to obey traffic sign/signal, equipment malfunction, etc.) Driving on Suspended/Revoked License DMV issues (fees, fines, insurance/licensing penalties, suspensions) Contact us today and let me handle things for you so you can have peace of mind, and leave your worry and anxiety behind.
