The truth is, paying the fine amounts to a guilty plea, which goes on your driving record. The next ticket within one year will result in an increased fine. Three tickets spread across a few years can mean you lose your license. If your auto insurance finds out about the ticket you will almost certainly pay higher premiums for years. When compared to the cost of an experienced ticket defense lawyer, suddenly paying the fine doesn’t sound like the affordable alternative.
The First Thing To Fight Is The Wording — That Takes An Experienced Attorney
There can be a significant difference between speeding and reckless driving in Florida. But police often take shortcuts when writing out the specific violation. Tickets can be misleading and miswritten, meaning you face a violation you may not even be guilty of committing. Regardless of the traffic violation ticket, if you simply pay the fine the ticket will go on your record. Don’t trust the police!
Call Me! I Have a High Success Rate Reducing Or Overturning The Ticket!
Contact The Law Office of Lilas Ayandeh, P.A., in Fort Lauderdale. I will work aggressively to help you maintain a clean record. Call 954-271-1762 or send an email explaining why you need to fight your ticket.