
Steven I. Goldman – Attorney at Law


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Atlanta Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney

The overwhelming majority of people rely on motor vehicles to get from place to place. While most drivers carefully operate their vehicles most of the time, the fact is that negligent drivers sometimes cause vehicle crashes. These events can create serious physical and financial problems. With a skilled attorney on your side, you can focus on healing from your injuries. At The Goldman Firm, Atlanta motor vehicle accident lawyer Steven Goldman and our team are fully committed to helping you through the many challenges involved in a motor vehicle accident.

Providing Powerful, Dedicated Legal Representation In Motor Vehicle Accidents

With our experience, knowledge and skill, we are equipped to achieve positive results for people across Georgia injured in all types of vehicle crashes, including:

We fully investigate the cause of every accident to find out exactly what happened. Over our firm’s history, we have represented clients who have been injured by:

While we prepare your case for resolution, we can also help you find medical treatment, if necessary. At all times, we are prepared to offer our clients advice about what to do after an accident to protect your claim, as well as what you need in a personal injury lawyer.

Addressing Your Property Damage Claims

At The Goldman Firm, we focus on the legal elements of your car crash that can be resolved through the civil litigation system. If you have sustained only property damage in your collision, a lawsuit is generally unnecessary. For more information, please see our information page regarding the handling of property claims.

Contact The Goldman Firm

In your free initial consultation, our attorney will sit down and talk to you about your motor vehicle injury. If you agree that our firm is right for you, we will provide a high level of client service at all points in your case. Call us at 404-857-3505 or email us to get started.
