Advocacy, Trainings, Holistic Recovery Support Services
The Serenity House of Flint is a 501c3 non-profit recovery community organization that advocates for people in addiction recovery and provides holistic option for the community. The Serenity House of Flint organizes recovery advocacy and educational events for the community and offers multiple pathways to recovery which include holistic recovery services. We are a Michigan licensed CAIT program that falls under the umbrella of the Association of Recovery Community Organizations. The Serenity House of Flint was founded by Tara Moreno in 2015.
Programs at Serenity House
Recovery Reiki and Recovery Reiki Trainings
Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words rei and ki meaning universal life energy. Reiki is an ancient laying-on of hands healing technique that uses the life force energy to heal, balancing the subtle energies within our bodies. Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. The foundation of Reiki is self-healing. Reiki is great for addiction. When a person has an addiction the trauma to the energetic
body can be severe. Reiki helps the body facilitate its natural ability to heal itself.
Serenity House has a Reiki Outreach Program where we provides Reiki sessions at Odyssey House Treatment Center, Sacred Heart, and Kindred Hospice. We also provide a Recovery Reiki Group Healing on the second, third, fourth, and fifth Friday of the month from 6-7pm at the Stockton Center.
We train practitioners at Recovery Reiki levels I, II, and III.
Mindfulness Meditation for Recovery
Mindfulness Meditation is beneficial in so many ways. Mindfulness encourages the participant to accept the moment exactly as it is. This is a space where the body, mind and spirit can heal. Meditation practices at The Serenity House of Flint aid each person in getting in touch with their inner divine spark. When we take time out of every day to be still in our own presence the body is able to heal. The Serenity House currently works with Odyssey Treatment Center’s Adolescent Program with Judge John Gadola by providing mindfulness for youth and Odyssey’s Out-Patient Program. We can come into to help your center to provide mindfulness for a fee. We also have the ability to train people in mindfulness for recovery practices. We provide a regular meditation workshop on every Friday of the month except for the first Friday at the Stockton Center.
Aromatherapy for Recovery
This program is designed to introduce people to Aromatherapy and essential oils and how they can foster a better relationship with their recovery plan. Aromatherapy is a type of alternative medicine practice utilizing fragrant/aromatic essential oils that are derived from a wide variety of healing plants. When inhaled or applied to the skin, therapeutic-grade essential oils have been shown to help people overcome various health problems without the need for medications.
Aromatherapy can be performed in several different ways:
- Diffusing a combination of essential oils into the air (or just one single oil)
- Inhaling oils through the nostrils directly off of a cloth or from the bottle
- Receiving massage therapy utilizing oils
- Soaking in an oil-infused bath
- Rubbing oils directly onto the skin
- Using oils as household cleaners
Research shows that anyone with the following health conditions can likely benefit from aromatherapy:
- Chronic Stress or anxiety
- Addiction
- Depression
- Insomnia and trouble sleeping
- Muscle pain
- Joint pain
- Respiratory infections
- Digestive upset
- PMS or menopause symptoms
- Skin problems or disorders, including bites, rashes, bruising, cellulite or acne
- Blood sugar fluctuations
- Cancer
- Fatigue
The key to achieving results from aromatherapy is to use pure, therapeutic-grade oils rather than those with synthetic ingredients or fragrances. The effectiveness of aromatherapy practices always depends on the quality of the oils used, plus the dosage. For more information, please call us.
Yoga for 12 Step Recovery
Y12SR “connects the dots” between the ancient wisdom of yoga, the practical tools of 12-step programs, and the latest research on trauma healing and neurobiology. As part of a holistic recovery program, it works in tandem with traditional treatment to address the physical, mental and spiritual disease of addiction.
The program serves people recovering from all manifestations of addiction, from behavioral addictions to substance abuse – creating a safe place on the mat where trauma can be released. It also supports those who are impacted by a loved one’s addiction. Weekly meetings led by certified Y12SR leaders are available in community settings across the United States. Y12SR is also offered as an adjunctive therapy in a growing number of addiction recovery treatment centers.
Several thousand years ago, East Asian physicians discovered that the body forms disharmonies as a result of the various physical and mental stresses of life. Oriental medical theory explains these disharmonies as an imbalance of opposing forces called yin and yang. This imbalance disrupts the movement of the body’s vital energy (qi) along the meridian pathways, which are channels through which the body’s energy is thought to flow. Auricular Acupuncture restores the smooth flow of qi by inserting five hair-like needles at specific points in the ear. Auricular acupuncture can return the body to its natural balance, detoxify the body, and promote the body’s ability to heal itself.
On the first Friday of the month participants can experience this modality from 7:15pm-8:15pm at the Stockton Center. Suggested donation is $15.
Drumming for Recovery
Drumming is an ancient practice. Cultures from all over the world have used drums for healing practices. In Shamanism, drumming is used as a healing meditative journeying practice. The repetitive beats invoke a trance-like state that is a deeper meditative journey where the healing process takes hold and continues even after the journey is over.
Drumming connects you to the earth, her heartbeat, her vibration. You sync every fiber of your being to the beats and find all your negative energy and negative emotions being released. Drumming generates a sense of oneness and community at the same time. You are able to connect both sides of your brain harmoniously during drumming. It is an analytically artistic expression. Drumming is everywhere; every creature large and small drums. From the smallest termite to the mammoth elephant, even our aquatic friends. The trees even make percussive sounds to communicate through their roots. Drumming is also a lot of fun!
Drumming has many health benefits:
- Reduces Blood Pressure
- Anxiety/Stress Relief
- White Brain Matter & Cognitive Function are Increased
- Pain diminishes
- Transcendent Healing
- Reduces response to PTSD behaviors and triggers
- Immune System boosting.
You need no special skills to join in; just yourself along with an open heart and mind. Most people walk away from a drum circle feeling energized and notice a sharp increase of self-esteem and self -awareness.
Holistic Healing and Burn-out Prevention for Treatment Providers
Clinician and Recovery Coach burn-out is common in the SUD and mental health arena. Let Serenity House come into your facility to offer a holistic healing hour. You can tailor the hour to your organizations specific needs. Whether it be Reiki, meditation, aromatherapy, and Acudetox, let our professionals come into increase energy in your clinicians for better outcomes with your clients. For more information on pricing, please contact us.
Recovery Speakers
Serenity House has access to a variety of speakers for any recovery-oriented event. Our speakers have years of experience in traditional and non-traditional pathways for recovery.