
Risoldi Law Offices, LLC


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Risoldi Law Offices, LLC, strives to provide top-quality, compassionate legal services to individuals and families throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The firm routinely handles both civil and criminal matters, including: Divorce and family law DUI/DWI Traffic violations and criminal defense Auto accidents and other personal injury Nearly 23 years of Experience on Your Side Langhorne criminal defense and family law attorney Carla V. Risoldi has been practicing law since 1991 and is licensed in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Prior to founding Risoldi Law Offices, LLC, in 1994, Ms. Risoldi served as Bucks County Assistant District Attorney. Her experience as a former assistant prosecutor is beneficial to clients facing criminal charges in that she knows how the prosecution prepares cases, and the level of preparation and detailed representation that is necessary to challenge the prosecutor’s case against our client. Attorney Risoldi’s comprehensive representation has proven effective for countless clients both in the courtroom and at the negotiating table.

It is no secret that penalties for drunk driving have grown increasingly severe in recent years. Despite that awareness, many people are surprised to learn of the “collateral consequences” of a DUI conviction such as the loss of their driver’s license, the increases in insurance premiums and having to check the “yes” box every time a job application asks if you have ever been convicted of a crime. Former Bucks County prosecutor Carla V. Risoldi has been on both sides of DUI cases in the courtroom, and is familiar with what it takes to have your criminal charges dropped or sentence reduced. She will fight to prevent your conviction and to minimize the damage a DUI arrest can have on your life. Don’t try to fight DUI/DWI charges on your own. There is too much at stake. Contact Risoldi Law Offices for an experienced defense lawyer who can help. Our firm provides aggressive, skilled and effective DUI/DWI defense representation to people who have been charged with drunk driving in Bucks County or in the surrounding areas of Pennsylvania. Big Mistakes Driving after imbibing alcohol is usually a big mistake. That said, it’s also a big mistake to assume that there is nothing you can do to defend yourself if the Breathalyzer or blood test results put you over the limit. Unfortunately, many people compound their first mistake by making this one soon after and simply waiting to take whatever the prosecutor offers. In truth, there are many ways in which DUI arrests and evidence can be effectively challenged — lack of probable cause, defective test equipment, and poor testing protocols included. Aside from the possible defenses, it is also important to consider that conviction is not the only possible outcome. Depending on the facts of your case, you may qualify for a diversionary program such as Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (“ARD”) in Pennsylvania or Pre-Trial Intervention (“PTI”) in New Jersey. As a skilled and experienced defense lawyer, Ms. Risoldi may be able to negotiate reduced charges, an accelerated rehabilitative disposition or another type of favorable resolution to the case.
