An arrest and conviction for DUI (Driving Under the Influence) in Pennsylvania can have a deep and significant impact on your life. Not only is there the social stigma of being convicted of a crime, but there is also the potential loss of your freedom and the loss of your drivers license. An arrest does not always have to lead to a conviction and incarceration. There are many options available to the accused aside from trial that will help avoid or lessen the consequences of a DUI arrest. It is important that you have a Chester County DUI Attorney on your side that has handled DUI cases on both sides of the law. Chester County DUI Attorney Steve Jarmon is dedicated to using his experiences as a former Chester County DUI prosecutor and as a Chester County DUI Defense Attorney to help his clients avoid the most serious penalties and consequences of a DUI Arrest. PENNSYLVANIA DUI PENALTIES Penalties on DUI convictions vary depending on how may DUI arrests a person has had in the past 10 years and their level of intoxication. 1st Offense DUI BAC .08 < .10 BAC .10 < .16 BAC Above .16 or Drugs Ungraded Misdemeanor Ungraded Misdemeanor Ungraded Misdemeanor Up to 6 month of probation 48 hours to 6 months in prison 72 hours to 6 months in prison Fine of $300 Fine between $500 and $2500 Fine between $1000 and $5000 No license suspension 12 month license suspension 12 month license suspension 2nd Offense DUI BAC .08 < .10 BAC .10 < .16 BAC Above .16 or Drugs Ungraded Misdemeanor Ungraded Misdemeanor Misdemeanor of the 1st Degree 5 days to 6 months in jail 30 days to 6 months in jail 90 days to 5 years in prison Fine between $300 and $2500 Fine between $750 and $5000 Fine between $1500 and $10,000 12 month license suspension 12 month license suspension 18 month license suspension 1 year ignition interlock 1 year ignition interlock 1 year ignition interlock 3rd Offense DUI BAC .08 < .10 BAC .10 < .16 BAC Above .16 or Drugs Misdemeanor of the 2nd Degree Misdemeanor of the 1st Degree Misdemeanor of the 1st Degree 10 days to 2 years in prison 90 days to 5 years in prison 1 year to 5 years in prison Fine between $500 and $5000 Fine between $1500 and $10000 Fine between $2500 and $10000 12 month license suspension 18 month license suspension 18 month license suspension 1 year ignition interlock 1 year ignition interlock 1 year ignition interlock DUI/ARD PROGRAM Most District Attorneys Offices in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania offer Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) as an alternative to prosecution to defendants who dont have a prior record. The ARD program offers first time offenders the opportunity to avoid a DUI conviction and significantly reduce the mandatory license suspensions. DUI DEFENSES There are many defenses that can be applied when faced with a DUI charge. An arrest for DUI does not automatically have to conclude with a conviction. Here are a few examples of typical DUI defenses: The blood or breath sample was not collected in an approved manner There was an error made by the technician testing your sample There was an error or deficiency with the machine that tested the sample You never actually drove the vehicle The police never had sufficient probable cause to stop your vehicle To discuss your DUI arrest, contact DUI Attorney Steve Jarmon at Jarmon Legal LLC today to set up a free consultation to discuss the facts and circumstances of your arrest.