Doug Cloud has been an attorney since 1983. Initially, for three years, Doug worked as a deputy prosecutor. He entered private practice in 1987 and opened his own law firm in 1992 in Tacoma. Doug specializes in civil trial practice. Doug has extensive experience in many areas of legal practice. He has successfully represented families suffering from a loved ones death or injury. He has brought successful cases against makers of dangerous prescription drugs and doctors who have erroneously prescribed drugs to patients that have suffered death or injury as a result. He has represented clients alleging malpractice against psychiatrists and physicians. He has represented families of the elderly who have died due to nursing home negligence. Fraud by individuals and companies perpetrated against the federal government is an area that provides individuals an opportunity to report such fraud to the government and share in any recovery by the government. If you are aware of the federal government being defrauded by false claims made against it, then you might be able to bring a False Claims Lawsuit and receive significant compensation as a result. Some awards to such whistle blowers have exceeded tens of millions of dollars. Doctors, hospitals or other health care related businesses too often bill the federal government for Medicare or Medicaid covered treatments that havent been performed. Other government suppliers may have sold to the federal government goods and services which were in some way defective, or contrary to contract or law. If you are aware of such a false claim, Doug is one of the few attorneys with experience in this field. If your case involves any of these areas of practice, you can be sure that Doug and the staff at Doug Cloud Law will represent your interests in the best manner possible. Because of Dougs extensive experience in many areas of law, he can often spot legal issues that other lawyers cannot see. If you are not sure whether or not you might have a legal case worth pursuing, you should call and speak with us today.