
D’Angelo & Jones, LLP


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D’Angelo & Jones, LLP, is a small, dynamic, A.V. rated law firm that represents clients in personal injury, criminal, traffic, bankruptcy, probate, estate planning, elder law, juvenile law, and family law matters. D’Angelo & Jones, LLP, knows that when people are injured or accused of a crime, they are often upset, confused, and restricted by their circumstances. We also recognize the emotional hardships and practical challenges involved in terminating a marriage, fighting for the custody of children, planning for the future care of yourself or a loved one, or facing grave financial problems. Important decisions have to be made at a time of great upheaval and emotional trauma. Those decisions should not have to be made alone. D’Angelo & Jones, LLP, sincerely believes that individuals should be aware of the rights afforded them under the Constitution and state laws before deciding which course of action to follow. D’Angelo & Jones, LLP, is committed to quality legal representation of its clients, which includes education, service and guidance. Obviously, there are no guarantees in this profession or in life generally, but our promise to our clients is that we will do our best to properly represent, protect and advance their interests.
