
Addiction, Mental Health, Crisis Mgmt.


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Shannon Rozell, MPA, ADS

Shannon has worked in the field of addiction and mental health since 2009. She has served in the capacity of Public Awareness and an Manager of Patient Access Inpatient/residential Behavioral Health facilities (addiction and psych. hospitals).

Shannon currently serves as Advanced Treatment Placement Specialist, an initiative of Acadia Healthcare. As a Treatment Placement Specialist, an initiative of Acadia Healthcare. As a Treatment Placement Specialist, Shannon provides crisis management and placement recommendations with the goal of placing clients into the appropriate level of care utilizing the client’s insurance.

Levels of care include inpatient, residential, partial hospitalizations, intensive outpatient, and individual therapy. Clinical challenges include Eating Disorders, Trauma, Mood Disorder/depression/anxiety, Mental Health challenges, and/or Addiction for adolescent (13 and up) and adults.

Shannon resides in Goodrich, Michigan and her greatest “title” to date is “Granny Shanny” to THE Amazing Amaya.

If you or your loved one are in a crisis, call (810)341-3573 for a screening evaluation and referral. There is NO Charge for screening referral services. 
