
Law Office of Moore and Sripinyo PLLC


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Located in the heart of Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, the Law Office of Moore and Sripinyo, PLLC, provides individuals and businesses with legal counsel and representation. Mr. Moore’s primary areas of practice include criminal law and civil litigation. Mr. Sripinyo’s primary areas of practice include civil litigation, military law, and employment law. In addition to these, the Law Office handles uncontested divorce and landlord-tenant law, including commercial leases. Mr. Moore and Mr. Sripinyo are strategic lawyers who are committed to providing clients in Virginia and Washington, D.C., with effective legal counsel. They believe that great client advocacy necessitates a balance of skill, knowledge and experience, and they brings these traits to bear through dedication to providing high-quality legal services. If you have been charged with a crime or are facing litigation, it is important that Mr. Moore or Mr. Sripinyo begins working on your case right away. Timing is critical in matters of criminal defense and civil disputes. Contact the Law Office today to schedule a confidential consultation regarding criminal, civil, or military law.
