
Law Office of Allen E. Schwartz


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Knoxville Divorce Lawyer Upper East Tennessee Criminal Defense Attorney DUI · Drug Charges · Traffic Offenses · Domestic Violence · Child Custody My firm belief is that a straightforward approach combined with personal attention and a detailed knowledge of the law and how the legal system works are the keys to building a successful legal practice. In over 40 years as a Tennessee family law and criminal defense attorney, representing clients facing serious personal and legal challenges from divorce and child custody disputes to serious criminal charges, I have learned to listen. I get to know my clients and earn their trust. Only by working together can we find the right solution in difficult circumstances. I also believe in taking decisive action when my clients’ rights are in jeopardy. I am not afraid to stand up to overzealous prosecutors or unsympathetic family court judges in order to make sure my clients’ interests are served. To discuss your situation in an atmosphere of respect and confidence, contact my offices today. Allen E. Schwartz · An Experienced Approach to Criminal Defense Beat Them on the Facts: The first step in any effective criminal defense is to get down to the facts of the case. In your free and completely confidential initial consultation, please be prepared to discuss the facts of your case — how the arrest happened, how you were questioned, what the police said or did. If we can beat them on the facts, the chances are good that the charges will be dropped. Beat Them on the Law: Police and prosecutors frequently make mistakes. Proving that police officers conducted an unlawful search and seizure or a traffic stop without probable cause or based on racial profiling can be enough to have charges dismissed. The law is there to protect your rights, and I will fight hard to make sure your rights are protected. Negotiate or Litigate a Favorable Outcome: I prepare each case with the understanding that it may go to trial, even though many are settled to my clients’ benefit before that point. Preparation and strength are crucial to both successful negotiation and winning at trial.

Knoxville DUI Lawyer If you were arrested or a family member was charged with driving under the influence (DUI), there may be serious consequences without the help of an effective and experienced DUI defense attorney. Jail time, the loss of a job or a driver’s license could be a real possibility. Law Office of Allen E. Schwartz · Knoxville DUI Defense Attorney Contact me online or call 865-622-7736 for a free initial consultation. As your Knox County DUI arrest defense lawyer, I can step in immediately to give you a fighting chance to minimize the consequences of a DUI arrest. Together, we will get down to the facts of your case and pursue a straightforward and aggressive defense strategy, including taking immediate steps to: Challenge an illegal stop — My rule of thumb is that if I can prove that the police pulled you over without proper cause, the case is almost always over at that point. Result: charges dropped. Challenge Breathalyzer and blood test results — Breathalyzers and other methods of measuring blood alcohol content are notoriously unreliable and can be challenged. If there is no proof you exceeded the legal limit of blood alcohol, there is often no case. Result: charges dropped or reduced. Challenge the video — At a stop, the police officer says you did badly on a field sobriety test but the arrest or jail intake video shows otherwise. Result: case dismissed. I offer more than 40 years of experience as a Knoxville DUI attorney defending first-time and repeat offenders. Whether you are facing a misdemeanor DUI/DWI or felony DUI charges, I will act quickly to develop an aggressive defense strategy. I know the right steps to take in pursuing a favorable resolution and mitigating any potential damages.
