- 41-6a-518.2; §41-6-44(15)
An offender is required, as a condition of probation, only to operate motor vehicles that are equipped with ignition interlock devices. The person’s license will be suspended pending completion of the period with the interlock device.
If the defendant had a BAC of 0.16 or higher, the court shall order the following (or describe on record why the order or orders are not appropriate): Treatment and one or both of the following: ignition interlock system as a condition of probation, and home confinement through the use of electronic monitoring.
Exemption: Employer.
Source: National Conference of State Legislatures, 2014
How many times an interlock stopped a drunk driving start (.08 BAC or more) in Utah?
From December 1, 2006 to December 1, 2016 |
Source: MADD