Annotated Code of Maryland Transportation Section 21-902
Type of DUID Law: Under the Influence:
Incapacity Transportation Code Section 21-902 …
(c) Driving while under influence of drugs and alcohol…
- A person may not drive at attempt to drive any vehicle while he is so far impaired by any drug, any combination of drugs, or a combination of one or more drugs and alcohol that he cannot drive a vehicle safely. …
(d) Driving while under the influence of controlled dangerous substance. A person may not drive or attempt to drive any vehicle while the person is impaired by any controlled dangerous substance, as that term is defined in § 5-101 of the Criminal Law Article, if the person is not entitled to use the controlled dangerous substance under the laws of this State.
Type of Drugs Prohibited: Any drug or controlled dangerous substance as defined in § 5-101 of the Criminal Law Article (extensive list which includes all scheduled drugs in Schedules I thru V).
Marijuana use in vehicle
- Maryland allows the medicinal use of marijuana by certain registered patients. Registered patients, however, are not allowed to smoke marijuana “in a motor vehicle.” MD Code, Health – General, § 13-3314(4).
Reference: Drugged Driving: 2016 Summary of Key Provisions of State Laws