After being charged with a DWI/DUI Charge, the arraignment process will begin when you first appear in court for your DWI/DUI charge. Your court appearance will require you to stand before the Judge and he/she will read the charges that are being brought against you.
The Judge will also ask if you have an attorney to represent you and ask how you plea the charges against you. If you plead guilty, the Judge will determine your punishment. If you decide to plead not guilty, your future court date will be determined to return to court for a preliminary hearing and trial. At the preliminary hearing, the Judge will determine if there is enough evidence against you to hold a trial. The state prosecutor may present additional pieces of evidence or may call in witnesses. Your attorney can cross-examine or argue against. At the end of the preliminary hearing, the Judge will determine if the trial will be dismissed or if it will be sent to trail for a Jury to determine.
At the trial, it will begin with opening statements from the state prosecutor and your attorney. The state prosecutor may present a “burden of proof” against you that will outline evidence against you and may also use witnesses. Closing arguments will be made by both the state prosecutor and your attorney, and then the jury will deliberate and make a determination.