RCW 46.04.215*
Ignition interlock device.
“Ignition interlock device” means breath alcohol analyzing ignition equipment or other biological or technical device certified in conformance with RCW 43.43.395 and rules adopted by the state patrol and designed to prevent a motor vehicle from being operated by a person who has consumed an alcoholic beverage.
*Source: Washington State Legislature
- 46.20.740; §46.20.385
The court shall order any person convicted of an alcohol-related violation or an equivalent local ordinance to apply for an ignition interlock driver’s license and to have a functioning ignition interlock device installed on all motor vehicles operated by the person. The court may also order the installation of an interlock device for a driver that is convicted of reckless or negligent driving within 7 years of an alcohol related driving offense. An ignition interlock may be required for reckless or negligent drivers without a prior DUI conviction. An ignition interlock device will be required for any driver convicted of vehicular homicide while driving under the influence. If a minor passenger was in the vehicle at the time of the DUI offense, the use of an ignition interlock device is extended by six months.
The court may waive the requirement that a person obtain an ignition interlock driver’s license and operate only vehicles equipped with a functioning ignition interlock device if the court makes a specific finding in writing that the devices are not reasonably available in the local area, that the person does not operate a vehicle, or the person is not eligible to receive an ignition interlock driver’s license.
For a person who has not previously been restricted, the device shall be installed for a period of 1 year; for a second restriction, a period of 5 years; for a third or subsequent restriction, a period of 10 years. The driver may apply for day-for-day credit towards the period of license revocation for use of an interlock device, as long as the device is installed in all non-exempt vehicles the driver operates.
A person receiving an ignition interlock driver’s license waives his or her right to a hearing or appeal under RCW 46.20.308. If a minor passenger was in the vehicle at the time of the DUI offense, the use of an ignition interlock device is extended by six months.
Exemption: Employer.
Source: National Conference of State Legislature: State Ignition Interlock Laws
Washington’s all-offender ignition interlock law went into effect on January 1, 2009. As of August 2016, there were 19,170 interlocks installed in Washington.*
How many times an interlock stopped a drunk driving start
(.08 BAC or more) in Washington?
From December 1, 2006 to December 1, 2016
Source: MADD