Ignition Interlock Limited Licenses (As 28.15.201)
(Driving Under The Influence Or Admin Per Se Offenses)
The Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) can issue a limited license for non-commercial driving with the installation of an ignition interlock device (IID). Ignition Interlock Limited Licenses can be issued after:
- The first 30 days for a 1st misdemeanor DUI conviction or Admin Per Se. offense.
A “first time offender” has not been previously criminally convicted, in Alaska or in any other state, of DUI or Refusal within 15 years from the date of the present offense.
- The first 90 days for a 2nd or subsequent misdemeanor DUI conviction or Admin Per Se. offense.
To obtain a limited license, an applicant must:
- Complete an application
- Pass any required tests
- Pay a $100 processing fee
- Show proof of IID installation
- Satisfy the Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP) requirements
- Provide proof of financial responsibility for the future (filing SR-22 or posting a $125,000 bond)
Additionally, an applicant must certify that he or she understands the following provisions of the law:
- He or she is subject to the penalties for driving with a revoked license under AS 28.15.291 if the vehicle being driven is not equipped with an ignition interlock device outside of an exempt area.
- Circumventing or tampering with the IID is a class A misdemeanor under AS 11.76.140.
- AS 28.15.201(d) requires that up-to-date service and calibration records for the ignition interlock device must be maintained and carried in the vehicle throughout the period of the limited license.
The DMV cannot issue a limited license:
- For administrative revocations or court misdemeanor convictions for Refusal. [AS 28.15.201(d)(1)]
- For DUI or Refusal felony convictions. [AS 28.15.201(d)(1)]
- For operating commercial motor vehicles. [AS 28.33.140(f)] CFR 383.51
A CDL holder can obtain a limited license for the base privilege (D) to drive as the vehicle being driven is a non-commercial vehicle.
- If the applicant has been convicted of DUI or Refusal while on probation for a prior DUI or Refusal conviction.
- If the applicant has been convicted of driving in violation of a limitation under AS 28.15.291(a)(2).
- If the applicant is currently revoked, suspended, denied, or cancelled in another state.
- For any other criminal offense following a court conviction. For example, the DMV has no authority to issue a limited license for a Reckless Driving conviction.
The DMV has no authority to waive an Ignition Interlock Requirement for work vehicles. For a misdemeanor DUI , the court may, pursuant to AS 12.55.102, issue an order waiving the IID requirement for drivers operating employer owned vehicles.
*Resource—Alaska Department of Administration, Division of Motor Vehicles