Florida has one of the strictest laws in the country when it comes to DUI arrests. All licensed drivers operating a vehicle on public roadways in the state of Florida must submit to having his or her blood, breath or urine tested to measure their blood alcohol content (BAC).
The Florida Department of Motor Vehicles authorizes the driver’s licenses and your ability to carry a license. Florida Department of Motor Vehicles determines this as a privilege, not a right, to operate a vehicle and your license is not protected for violations.
Being arrested in Florida for a DUI is a very serious matter and if your defense is mishandled, it could result in a conviction. If you refuse a breath test when you are arrested for a DUI, the officer will confiscate your license. He will then replace it with a citation explaining the suspension process and this will also serve as your 10 day license. During this 10 day period, you can contest the challenge of your license suspension by making a request for a Formal Review Hearing.
Failure to do this will result in a license suspension from the DMV for one year and will be imposed on top of any other license suspensions that the court may impose.