
Tiffany DeBruin, Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer


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Lansing MI DUI Attorney Her passion is fighting for people who may not have the opportunity to fight for themselves, and being the voice for people who may not have a voice in the legal system. That’s what makes her an unbelievable Lansing Defense Attorney!

Tiffany is a native of Ohio, and attended college and law school there before moving to Michigan with her husband. Her attention to detail and enjoyment of the potential challenges of running her own business led her to major in business at a Christian liberal arts college as an undergraduate.

However, she also had the desire to work in a profession that would allow her to live the values instilled in her through her upbringing, and knew that the practice of law lent itself to spending her days helping people.

After she graduated from Capital University Law School in Ohio, she worked for legal aid services helping people who were facing legal troubles and couldn’t afford attorneys. She also has experience representing the victims of domestic violence, and children and families encountering the Children’s Services system.

When she moved to Michigan, she decided to put her business skills to work by opening her own law firm. One of her focuses as an attorney is criminal defense, which she chose because she saw an opportunity to protect and preserve the rights of people accused of crimes — work she finds important and rewarding.

When representing clients, Tiffany brings a sharp attention to detail that’s necessary in criminal matters that can involve complex evidence and legal questions. She also brings perseverance and tenacity, and doesn’t back down from the fight to get the outcome that is in the best interest of her clients.

She has several years of experience working in courts in around Lansing, including Ingham and Clinton counties, and maintains good working relationships with the clerks, prosecutors, judges, and other people involved in criminal matters. Her clients can be assured that she will always represent them in a manner that is professional, while working every angle of a case to diligently defend her client’s rights.

Lansing Defense Attorney (517) 324-4303

Practice Areas

  • Drug Charges – If you have been charge with drug-related offense, a couple things could happen in your criminal case. The charges could be dismissed by the prosecution, a plea agreement could be reached or the case could be tried before or without a jury. That is why it is strongly advised that you consult with a Lansing criminal defense lawyer who can best represent you.
  • Medical Marijuana – Sale of marijuana to someone who is not a qualifying patient is a felony offense. If you’re convicted, you may be punished with up to 2 years in prison and a fine of $2,000.
  • Assault, Battery, and Domestic Violence – When you or a family member faces an assault or battery charge in Michigan, you need for your side of the story to be heard and for someone to fight for your rights as you go through the legal process. You need someone who will be both compassionate and tough, and help preserve your family and your future.
  • OWI Charges – Operating a vehicle while intoxicated, or OWI, is a serious offense in Michigan. Even a first conviction for a simple misdemeanor OWI can result in penalties that include suspension of your driver’s license, but the penalties vary depending on your BAC and whether you have prior offenses. That is why it is important that you seek the advice from an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Michigan.
  • Traffic Violations – If you have received a speeding ticket or other traffic-related offense in Lansing or elsewhere in Michigan, you may want to consider consulting a lawyer to avoid paying the ticket. Paying a traffic ticket admits guilt and could in effect increase your insurance fees, or result in a revoked driver’s licence revoked. Any of these consequences could have a significant ramifications on your life. You have every right to fight the charge. Tiffany will work with you to reduce the consequences of the traffic violation you are facing.
  • Fraud Charges – Don’t delay in contacting a criminal defense attorney if you have been accused of falsifying information for monetary or personal gain or any other form of embezzlement, forgery, counterfeiting, or other form of fraud. A knowledgeable attorney will know how to protect your rights in the state of Michigan. Tiffany will examine all of the evidence in your case and devise a solid defense strategy.
  • Arson & Property Crimes – If you have been charged with an act of arson or other property-related crime including theft, larceny, burglary, robbery, shoplifting, or vandalism, are a suspect, or have already been convicted and wish to appeal, contact a Lansing criminal attorney immediately. Most property crimes depend on factors including how much potential or bodily injury was caused due to the offense.
  • Theft Charges – When you are charged with theft in Michigan, you may be at risk of a felony charge, depending whether or not you have committed a prior, unrelated offense in recent years, or depending on the amount stolen. If you are facing a theft charge, it is in your best interest to contact a Lansing criminal defense attorney today.
  • Crimes Against Peace, Public, and Law Enforcement – If you, or someone you know how been accused or charged with disturbing the peace or have actively engaged in a public offense, it is important that you know your legal rights and defenses to minimize the personalities you could be facing. DeBruin Law will listen to your case and be able to provide a good defense to your situation.
  • Juvenile Delinquency – If you, or your son or daughter have been charged with a criminal offense, you need to receive legal counsel as soon as possible. Regardless of the crime, you, or your son or daughter has anointed legal and civil rights that must be defended. A experienced criminal offense lawyer will be able to provide an effective defense strategy and help you, or your child avoid a criminal record.

Additional Areas

    • Asset Forfeiture Proceedings – In a criminal or civil case, the police may repossess or seize your assets if they can prove in court that the crime took place at the same time you acquired the property; that means they don’t even need to wait for a conviction before they repossess your property. If the court rules in favor of the plaintiffs, they are allowed to sell your assets and use the monies collected to fund various law enforcement ventures. Consequently, law enforcement has good reason to want to practice asset seizure as often as they can. As the defendant, you must refute claims that you acquired property as a direct result of a crime, and you will no doubt have a tough road ahead of you. An experienced Lansing criminal defense attorney can help you make your case so that you don’t lose your belongings.
    • Michigan Criminal Court Process – Your first appearance in criminal court is your arraignment. This is where a judge formally reads aloud the charges against you and the corresponding maximum penalty for each charge. If you are charged with a misdemeanor, the judge will ask you how you want to plead: guilty, not guilty, or stand mute (which is treated as a not guilty plea.) If you plead guilty or no contest, the judge may decide to sentence you on the spot; if you plead not guilty or stand mute, the judge will schedule a pretrial conference.If you are charged with a felony, you’ll receive a felony preliminary examination two weeks after your arraignment, where the prosecuting attorney tries to convince the judge that:
      a.) The crime was committed and b.) You committed said crime.Both the pretrial conference and the preliminary examination determine whether a case will go to trial. The fate of your case rests on a few short meetings, so it’s imperative that you make the best decisions. Start by contacting a seasoned Lansing criminal defense attorney, who can explain each step of the process in depth and help you decide how to move forward.
    • Collateral Consequences of a Criminal Conviction– You are already familiar with the direct consequences of a criminal conviction: fines and time served in jail or prison. But what are some of the collateral consequences? These are issues that will crop up after a conviction and could continue to haunt you well after you’ve served your time. Your criminal record can hinder your ability to get a job, rent an apartment, participate in certain governmental benefits or programs, and other aspects of life that you may not have considered. To ensure your rights are not violated because of your record, you may want to discuss any potential problems with a knowledgeable Lansing criminal defense attorney.
    • Expungements – If you’ve been convicted or not more than one felony offense, or not more than two misdemeanors, you may be able to get your conviction set aside, or expunged. An expungement removes the ability to see your conviction, allowing you to be free of hindrances you may face when you have an arrest record. The court and police department will keep a nonpublic record of your conviction on file, so your record won’t be entirely erased. Additionally, not all persons who fit the description are eligible; the type of felony or misdemeanor committed may determine whether or not you are eligible to apply for expungement. Talk to a Lansing criminal defense attorney to learn more about expunging your record.
    • Hiring Your Lansing Criminal Defense Lawyer – Being charged with a criminal offense is extremely serious. Charges can result in convictions carrying huge fines, incarceration, and many more problems that could plague you for the rest of your life. That’s why it’s crucial for you to make the best possible choice when hiring a criminal defense attorney. You need to make sure your attorney is well-versed in the laws and rules or the local court, as well as any relevant federal laws. You want someone who has a significant amount of experience, can keep you up-to-date on your case, and will always be available when you need to talk. This list of questions to ask your potential attorney might benefit you in your search for the right representation.
    • Probation Violations – Generally you are placed on probation in lieu of serving time in a jail or prison. If this is the case, you must fully comply with all your probation requirements, which usually means, among other stipulations, that you’ll pay a fee, attend a treatment or rehabilitation program, and refrain from committing any other crimes. If you violate the terms of your probation, you could end up serving time in jail or prison. A skilled Lansing criminal defense lawyer can explain what will happen to you if you violate your probation and will work with the court in order to get you the best possible outcome.
    • Search and Seizure – Under Michigan law, you are protected from illegal search and seizures. However, what is considered reasonable and unreasonable can be difficult to determine, and you may be persuaded to agree to a search and seizure when you didn’t need to. Your best bet is to contact a Lansing attorney who is well-versed in the intricacies of criminal law, such as search and seizure, to help you fully comprehend your rights.
    • Sentencing and Penalties – Typically, misdemeanors carry a maximum sentence of 93 days in jail and a $500 fine; however, some misdemeanors may impose a longer jail term and a higher fine. Felony charges, which are scheduled into classes A through H, result in punishments that range from probation to life in prison and fines of a few hundred dollars up to tens of thousands, all depending on the severity of the crime. Sentencing is such a critical part of your case that you should definitely have legal representation on your side. A veteran criminal defense attorney will skillfully negotiate your sentence to ensure your penalties are as minimal as the court allows.
    • Your Rights When Accused of a Crime – Anyone accused of a crime is entitled to his or her rights as laid out in the Miranda warning. You should practice these rights as they keep you from incriminating yourself and potentially adding unnecessary stress to an already difficult situation. Another important right to keep in mind is your right to an attorney; this is one you should definitely exercise. A professional Lansing criminal defense attorney’s most important goals are to make sure your rights aren’t violated and that you are afforded the best possible outcome for your case.

Contact a Lansing Criminal Defense Lawyer

Regardless of the criminal charges, you’re facing, the skilled attorneys at DeBruin Law PLLC will tirelessly work with you to navigate your case through the criminal process towards the most favorable end result and offer you peace of mind in knowing someone is looking out for your best interests. Call us today at (517) 258-7200 or use the online form to schedule a free consultation.


Lansing Defense Attorney (517) 324-4303
