
Mountainside Treatment Center


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For individuals dependent on drugs or alcohol, the journey of recovery often starts with detox. This critical process of removing toxic substances from the body serves as the catalyst for a healthier life free from addiction.

Detox Program Overview

Mountainside’s Detox program combines medical best practices with a holistic approach to treatment to deliver a carefully designed addiction treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. In an atmosphere of comfort and compassion, our dedicated medical and clinical teams provide you with 24/7 individualized care and support. Our experts will stabilize your body and help you through withdrawal symptoms, as well as any other physical and emotional challenges you may face during the first days of your recovery.

Detox Offerings

Removing toxins from your body is a critical part of recovery, but it is only one part of the puzzle. Our detox program is designed to address all your needs during your first days in recovery, from helping to properly nourish your body, to educating you on the disease of addiction, to preparing you for the next steps in your addiction treatment.

Recovery Coaching

In the first 365 days of your recovery journey, Recovery Coaching provides you a partner, mentor, spiritual guide, and support system to help you adjust to a new sober lifestyle. Through constant communication, you form a strong partnership with your Recovery Coach to work through any challenges as you make strides toward your life goals.

Recovery Coaching Program Overview

Mountainside’s Recovery Coaching program consists of five key components designed to help you reach your short and long-term recovery goals.

Peer-to-Peer Relationship: Working closely with your recovery coach, you will establish a personalized treatment plan, identify goals, and set a plan of action to achieve them. Through daily communication, your coach will be able to identify relapse behaviors and early warning signs, keeping you safe from relapse.

Connected Care Network: Throughout your recovery journey there may be additional clinical, medical, psychiatric, wellness, and legal services that you may need. Your recovery coach will help connect you with the appropriate service providers and keep in contact with them to ensure that you are advancing in your recovery.

Family Services: Healthy family dynamics and a strong support system at home are important, especially in early recovery. Your recovery coach will keep in contact with your loved ones, educating them on the best ways to support your recovery, as well as sharing your triumphs and successes.

Progress Assessments: Monthly wellness checks help you and your coach determine where you are progressing and where you need extra assistance. To keep you accountable, your coach will also conduct random toxicology screenings.

Recovery Resources: As part of Mountainside’s Recovery Coaching Program you have access to a wealth of knowledge and resources. Not only does your coach work closely with our clinical team to assess your progress, but they also work closely with our alumni program to ensure that you stay engaged in your recovery.

Outpatient Services

When it is difficult to take time away from family, work, or school to focus on addiction treatment, Outpatient Services offers a convenient and effective solution. With multiple outpatient centers in Connecticut and New York, you can access quality addiction treatment close to home. Flexible day and evening hours ensure that your addiction treatment fits seamlessly with your schedule and smoothly integrates into your daily life. You can maintain your daily commitments without sacrificing your health.

Options for Care:

As you move through the various stages of recovery, you transition between the three options available for outpatient addiction treatment and care: Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), Outpatient Program (OP), and Individual Therapy (IT).

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Six-week intensive program for those in the early stages of recovery who need help sustaining sobriety. Focuses on managing withdrawal symptoms, recognizing triggers, and gaining a better understanding of addiction.

Outpatient Program (OP)

Ten-week program for those who need help repairing the damage caused by addiction. Focuses on rebuilding trust, developing healthy relationships, and establishing a sober network.

Individual Therapy (IT)

Ongoing program for individuals in long-term sobriety who experience a sudden crisis such as a divorce or loss of a loved one. Focuses on unique recovery issues and development of a more positive outlook on life.

Outpatient Services Offerings

All three options for outpatient addiction treatment include comprehensive clinical counseling, opportunities to practice wellness, and a range of supplementary services.

Whether you or a loved one is suffering from addiction, the most common emotion associated with seeking treatment for the first time is anxiety. We understand that the amount of questions you have and the emotions they evoke may feel overwhelming.

The first step is to know that your questions and feelings are normal. The next step is to talk to someone about them.
